Do the Summer Shift

Reduce electricity when demand and cost are highest: Summer weekdays, 1  to 6 p.m.

Participation in Summer Shift is voluntary and will not affect your current electric bill, but reducing electricity when demand and price peak reduces the need for power generation, which reduces energy costs and carbon emissions for everyone! 

Simple steps can make a big difference:

1. Wash laundry and dishes before or after peak times, and wash only full loads. Tip: Open dishwasher after wash cycle to let dishes air dry and use solar-powered clothes line to dry clothes!
2. Shut off lights and electronics.
3. Turn thermostat up 4 degrees. Tip: Use a ceiling fan to keep cool in the summer and you can increase your thermostat 4 degrees with no change in comfort. 
4. Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs; those old bulbs waste energy and generate unwanted heat.
5. Avoid watering outside and running your well during peak times.
6. Charge EVs overnight.
7. Set water heater to 120 degrees.

Thank you! When we all work together to conserve energy, we all win!

Learn more: Shifting energy use away from peak times lowers costs, but how does it lower carbon?

Enroll to receive Beat the Peak alerts

We’ll send you a Beat the Peak Alert by text, email and/or phone message asking you to reduce electricity when demand and price are high. Peak demand most often occurs from 2 to 6 p.m. on the hottest days of summer and from 6:55 to 10:55 a.m. the coldest days of winter. You'll see no more than nine peak demand days in the summer and seven in the winter. 

Learn more and enroll.