Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative Board of Director meetings are held monthly at our headquarters building in Centuria, WI. Below are summaries of monthly board meeting minutes. Two years worth of summaries are kept on the website.
Board of Director Meeting Summaries
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, July 22, 2024, at 8 a.m. Directors Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and John Behling, system counsel. Chuck Brookshaw joined via WebEx. Guests included Susan Huerstel, senior accountant, Rick Kosloski, manager of rights-of-way/warehouse/safety and Jesse Seering, operations manager.
- The minutes from the regular and organizational meetings of June 24, 2024 were received. The board authorized the summary of the June board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for June 2024. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $293.38.
- The board reviewed and approved amendments to policy BD-33: Running for Director of Associated Organizations. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board approved the retirement of 3.33% of unretired capital credits and the generation and transmission capital credits that are received from Dairyland Power Cooperative.
- A resolution to approve the 2024 Dairyland Power Cooperative load forecast was passed.
- The board was presented information on the cooperative’s maintenance programs.
- The general manager gave a mid-year update on the strategic plan.
- A delegate was appointed for NRECA Region 5 meeting.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a legal report from the system counsel during executive session.
- Directors received a report from the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received reports from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for August 26, 2024.
The meeting adjourned at 11:02 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, June 24, 2024, at 8:05 a.m. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting and John Behling, system counsel. Guests included Joan O’Fallon, communications director, Todd Schulte, member services manager and Ashley Taylor, member service representative.
- An organizational meeting took place to elect board officers for the 2024-2025 term. Ed Gullickson was elected president, Mike Morris was elected vice president and Chuck Brookshaw was elected secretary/treasurer.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of May 20, 2024 were approved. The board authorized the summary of the May board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for May 2024. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board conducted the annual review of the Code of Ethics policy and signed a Director Pledge reaffirming their responsibility and commitment to uphold the highest standards for legal and ethical conduct.
- The board reviewed the 2023 Form 990. The 990 is the tax return for organizations exempt from income tax.
- The board approved the Subscriber Agreement & Power of Attorney with our insurance company Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange.
- The board approved the 2025 Scholarship Program to award $1,500 scholarships to up to 95 high school seniors and two Youth Tour trips.
- The board provided feedback to management on the 86th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Day that was held on Friday, June 14, 2024.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from system counsel.
- Directors received a report from Dairyland Power Cooperative.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for July 22, 2024.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
- The board conducted annual meetings of Polk-Burnett Charities, Inc. and Polk-Burnett Diversified Services, Inc.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 7:55 a.m. at the headquarters in Centuria, WI. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/ HR administrator and John Behling, system counsel. Guests included Susan Huerstel, accountant, Jarod Boerst, electric distribution engineer, Jesse Seering, operations manager, and Matt Kurtzhals, IT manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of April 29, 2024 were received. The board authorized the summary of the April board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for April 2024. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $341.02.
- The power delivery engineer gave a summary of the 2023 Construction Work Plan construction costs.
- The general manager/CEO gave a presentation on subsidiary growth trends.
- The IT manager gave a presentation on technology investments at the cooperative.
- The board appointed a voting delegate to the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA) District Meeting.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report of the system counsel during executive session.
- Directors received a report of the Polk-Burnett Propane Services quarterly board meeting.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Monday, June 24, 2024.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:37 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, April 29, 2024, at 8 a.m. in the boardroom at the Centuria office. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting and John Behling, system counsel. Guests included, Susan Huerstel, accountant, Jesse Seering, operations manager, Jarod Boerst, power delivery engineer, Joan O’Fallon, communications director and Todd Schulte, member services manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of March 25, 2024 were received. The board authorized the summary of the March board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for March 2024. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote off electric accounts of $1,121.82.
- Rob Richards, Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA) vice president of government relations and external affairs, joined the board for a brief recap of the legislative session, discussed the latest with the legislative maps and how they will impact politics and campaigns, and then describe some of the inside operations, strategy of the Political Action Committee (PAC).
- The board took action to declare unclaimed capital credit funds be forfeited according to Wisconsin Statutes Section 158.03(10) and the bylaws. Notice will be mailed to members with valid addresses, advertised in local papers and posted on the website.
- Directors received information on the cooperative’s debt portfolio from the manager of finance and accounting.
- The board authorized management to sign a purchase power agreement for the Viola and Luck solar projects.
- The operations manager and power distribution engineer presented information from the 2023 power reliability report.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from system counsel.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- The board received a report from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- Directors held discussions in executive session.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for May 20, 2024.
- The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, March 25, 2024, at 9:48 a.m. at the Centuria office. Directors Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson and Cindy Thorman, were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting. John Behling, system counsel, Chuck Brookshaw, Mike Morris and John Ukura attended the meeting via WebEx.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of February 26, 2024 were received. The board authorized the summary of the February board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $744.39.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for February 2024. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board watched a NRECA Governance talk video on the board’s role in the audit process.
- The board accepted a three-year proposal from Bauman Associates to conduct the cooperative’s annual audit.
- Ed Gullickson was nominated as the DPC director and Joe Metro as the alternate.
- Directors were appointed as delegates to the DPC annual meeting on June 5, 2024.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC) board meeting.
- Directors received a legal report.
- The board received a report from those that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for April 29, 2024.
- The meeting adjourned at 12:32 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, February 26, 2024, at 8 a.m. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris (via WebEx), Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting and John Behling system counsel. Guests included Susan Huerstel, accountant, Rebekah Lindner, customer services manager, Todd Schulte, member services manager and Nate Kalepp, Bauman Associates.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of January 29, 2024 were received. The board authorized the summary of the January board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $481.77.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for January 2024. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The customer services manager presented information on the 184 distributed generation systems (wind or solar systems) on Polk-Burnett lines.
- Auditor, Nate Kalepp, Bauman Associates, presented the 2023 consolidated financial statements for Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative and Subsidiaries to the board of directors. In the opinion of the auditor, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 and the results of operations and cash flows for the years then ended are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America. A copy of the consolidated audit report for 2023 is placed under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board answered the Dairyland Power Cooperative Wholesale Power Contract Survey that will be submitted by the general manager/CEO.
- The board approved voting for Christopher Reese as the CRC District 1 Director.
- The general manager/CEO provided information on the continued load management impacts to Polk-Burnett’s power bill.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from system counsel during executive session.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative District Meeting.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for March 25, 2024.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:31 a.m.
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order on Monday, January 29, 2024, at 8 a.m. in the boardroom of the Centuria, WI headquarters. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris (via WebEx), Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting and John Behling system counsel. Guests included Todd Schulte, member services manager, Joan O’Fallon, communications director and Matt Kurtzhals, IT manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of December 18, 2023 were received. The board authorized the summary of the December board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of the preliminary financials for December 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $189.80.
- The board approved the Legal Fee Disclosure from Weld Riley as the cooperative’s attorney.
- The board appointed Wilfred Owens to the union negotiating team.
- The board appointed John Ukura as voting delegate for the NRECA annual meeting.
- A presentation on the 2023 EnergySense program was presented to the board. The board discussed the 2024 EnergySense program.
- The member services manager presented information on the Advance Meter Infrastructure (AMI) system.
- The IT manager presented a cyber update to the board.
- The board approved the 2024 scholarship award recipients. Polk-Burnett received a total of 96 applications. One high school senior participated in the Youth Tour essay contest and will attend the 2024 NRECA Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. All 96 scholarship applicants will receive a $1,500 scholarship. Scholarships are funded with unclaimed Capital Credit dollars that otherwise would be forfeited to the state. Scholarships do not affect electric rates.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received a report on the Polk-Burnett Propane Services, Inc. quarterly board meeting.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for February 26, 2024.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:52 a.m.
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order on Monday, December 18, 2023, at 8 a.m. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris (via WebEx), Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura, were present along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting. John Behling, system counsel, attended a portion of the meeting via WebEx. Guests included Matt Kurtzhals, IT manager, Joan O’Fallon, communications director, Todd Schulte, member services manager and Jesse Seering, operations manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of November 28, 2023 were received. The board authorized the summary of the November board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for November 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $594.68.
- The board appointed Cindy Thorman to the WECA Education Committee, Joe Metro to the WECA Legislative Committee and Jason Evenson to the WECA JT&S committee.
- Directors approved the 2024 budget.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel during executive session.
- The board received a report from those that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for January 29, 2024.
- The meeting adjourned at 10:54 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 8:15 a.m. in the boardroom of the Centuria office. Directors Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura, were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator. John Behling, system counsel, attended for part of the morning. Chuck Brookshaw and Mike Morris attended via WebEx. Guests included Todd Schulte, member services manager, Joan O’Fallon, communications director, Jesse Seering, operations manager, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting and Matt Kurtzhals, IT manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of October 23, 2023 were approved. The board authorized the summary of the October board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for October 2023. They were reviewed and discussed.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $368.62 and miscellaneous accounts receivable of $6,404.43.
- The board reviewed policies M-39: Safety First Farm Rewiring Grant Program, M-40: Member Requests for a specific Type of Primary Power Line Construction and M-43: Water Heater Service. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The finance manager reported on an analysis of borrowing from CoBank vs. National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation.
- Directors reviewed the director election timeline. Districts 7, 8 and 9 are up for election in 2024. Applications must be received by March 15, 2024 to be placed on the ballot. The cooperative will have a hybrid election this year giving members the ability to vote electronically or vote by paper ballot.
- The general manager gave a presentation on Dairyland Power Cooperative’s Policy B606 that allows Polk-Burnett to self-generate up to 3.3% of system peak.
- The board approved the following dates for regular board meetings in 2024: January 29, February 26, March 25, April 29, May 20, June 24, July 22, August 26, September 23, October 23, November 25 and December 16.
- Directors received strategy action plans updates from senior staff and an overview of the 2024 budget that will be considered at the December board meeting.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the Polk-Burnett Propane Services, Inc. quarterly board meeting.
- The board received a report from those that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting is combined with the budget meeting and is scheduled for December 18, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 1:43 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, October 23, 2023, at 8:01 a.m. at the Centuria office. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting. Guests included John Behling, System Counsel and Nathan Kalepp, principal, Bauman & Associates, who joined the board via conference call.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of September 25, 2023 were approved. The board authorized the summary of the September board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for September 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $796.50.
- The board approved using the Business Development Fund credit received from Dairyland Power Cooperative to fund operations and defer borrowing costs.
- The board approved amendments to the 2023 budget for Legal Fees, SCADA project, Server Operating System Upgrade and Cable Locating Fees.
- The board reviewed and approved amendments to policies M-35: House Moves, M-36: Motors and Motor Starting Currents and M-38: Member Changes to Cooperative Facilities. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board approved amendments to policy BD-28: Director Education. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- Per bylaw requirements, the board reviewed the district counts and discussed Policy BD-19 – Redistricting Guidelines. The largest district does not exceed the smallest district by more than 8% so redistricting is not required.
- The board authorized management to sign the purchase power agreement with Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC) to sell excess generation from the Georgetown Solar to DPC.
- Acting as the audit committee, the board met with the auditor, via teleconference, to discuss the 2023 audit.
- The board approved the 2024 Construction Work Plan. Energy sales have remained steady. 2022 losses of 4.6% set a record low. There is moderate growth in commercial and industrial sections and moderate residential growth. Year to date new connects/service upgrades are at 168. Material lead times continue to drive the construction work plan costs. We have $2.3 million of material orders already placed for 2024 to secure the material. Approximately 43.9 miles of identified line construction is considered in the 2024 work plan and was primarily based on lake conversions, equipment nearing end-of-life and upgrading three-phase lines to maximize the ability to backup neighboring substations. The work plan includes 14 lake conversions, 14 projects for equipment that is nearing the end-of-life or undersized and substation upgrades to increase backup capacity with our SCADA initiative that enables remote control. The 175-mil (#2 URD) replacement project in on track to be complete in 2023.
- Directors selected Friday, June 14, 2024 as the date for 86th annual meeting and member appreciation day.
- Directors received a report from the general manager/CEO.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel during executive session.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received reports from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- Directors held an executive session to discuss the general manager/CEO performance evaluation.
- A strategic planning session is being held October 31 and November 1 in Osceola, WI at the Osceola Library.
- The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 27, 2023.
The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, September 25, 2023, at 8 a.m. in the boardroom at the Centuria headquarters. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting and John Behling, system counsel. Guests included Joan O’Fallon, communications director.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of August 28, 2023 were approved. The board authorized the summary of the August board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $2,027.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for August 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board reviewed policies M-31: Rights-of-Way Maintenance Program, M-33: Disposition of Offers to Acquire All of Substantially All of the Cooperative’s Assets and M-34: Non-Metered (Idle) Services with the board. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board increased the pre-authorization amount for 2024 fleet purchases.
- The board appointed Kelly Bertuleit to the Operation Round-Up board in District 9.
- The board appointed a WECA annual meeting voting delegate.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report on Dairyland Power Cooperative.
- Directors received reports from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- An executive session was held to discuss legal matters.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Monday, October 23, 2023 at the Centuria office.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:36 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, August 28, 2023, at 8 a.m. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting. Guests included Rebekah Lindner, customer services manager and Todd Schulte, member services manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of July 25, 2022 were received. The board authorized the summary of the July board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of the financials for July 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board approved a budget amendment for two new road bore tools.
- The board approved reallocation of fleet purchases.
- The board wrote off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $12.29.
- The board reviewed policies M-26: Neutral to Earth Voltages (Stray Voltage), M-27: Disposal of Used Poles and M-30: Third Party Disconnect Notice. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board approved the updates to the Lease & Easement Agreement and Management & Consulting Agreement between Polk-Burnett Propane Services and the electric cooperative.
- An executive session was held to discuss legal and growth opportunity matters with the system counsel.
- The board appointed Julie Minell to the Operation Round-Up board in District 1.
- The customer services manager presented a report on the Identity Theft Prevention Program (Red Flags). The program is in place to assist cooperative personnel to identify, detect and prevent the theft of members’ personal information.
- The manager of finance and accounting presented a variety of financial ratios in the 2022 Key Ratio Trend Analysis (KRTA’s) to the board. Information in KRTA’s is based on data from annual financial reports of over 800 electric distribution cooperatives.
- The board received updates on the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA) dues increase and allocation changes proposed for 2024.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- Directors received a report on the Polk-Burnett Propane Services, Inc., quarterly board meeting.
- Directors received reports from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Monday, September 25, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 12:03 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, July 24, 2023, at 8 a.m. Directors Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting and John Behling, system counsel. Chuck Brookshaw joined via WebEx. Guests included Susan Huerstel, accountant, Todd Schulte, member services manager and Rebekah Lindner, customer services manager.
- The minutes from the regular and organizational meetings of June 26, 2023 were received. The board authorized the summary of the June board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for June 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $785.63.
- The board reviewed and approved amendments to policies M-3: Classification of Consumers, M-25: Energy Conservation & Load Management, M-32: Distributed Generation and M-42: Rate Schedule. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board acknowledged the 2022 Form 990. The 990 is the tax return for organizations exempt from income tax.
- The board approved the retirement of 3.33% of unretired capital credits and generation and transmission capital credits to be received from Dairyland Power Cooperative.
- The board discussed Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA) proposed budget and dues allocation changes for 2024.
- The general manager gave a mid-year update on the strategic plan.
- A delegate was appointed for NRECA Region 5 meeting.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a legal report from the system counsel.
- Directors received a report from the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received reports from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for August 28, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:37 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, June 26, 2023, at 8:01 a.m. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator. Guests included Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Joan O’Fallon, communications director and Todd Schulte, member services manager.
- An organizational meeting took place to elect board officers for the 2023-2024 term. Ed Gullickson was elected president, Mike Morris was elected vice president and Chuck Brookshaw was elected secretary/treasurer.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of May 22, 2023 were approved. The board authorized the summary of the May board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for May 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board approved a budget amendment for $5,000.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $1,103.08
- The board reviewed M-22: Capital Credit Allocation & Distribution, M-23: Facility Relocation Due to Roadway Improvements; M-24: Member Requests for Cooperative Records; M-24: Request for Cooperative Records Form and M-28: RF Meter Relocation. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board conducted the annual review of the Code of Ethics policy and signed a Director Pledge reaffirming their responsibility and commitment to uphold the highest standards for legal and ethical conduct.
- The board reviewed a 2022 SunTuria Generation Report prepared by the power distribution engineer.
- The board approved the 2024 Scholarship Program to award $1,500 scholarships to up to 90 high school seniors and two Youth Tour trips.
- The board provided feedback to management on the 85th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Day that was held on Friday, June 9, 2023.
- Joe Metro was appointed voting delegate for the WECA (Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association) district meeting.
- The general manager discussed a proposed WECA dues increase for 2024.
- The general manager discussed the recommendation for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) project.
- The board discussed a Burnett County solar array.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from system counsel.
- Directors received a report from Dairyland Power Cooperative.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for July 24, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:42 a.m.
- The board conducted annual meetings of Polk-Burnett Charities, Inc. and Polk-Burnett Diversified Services, Inc.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, May 22, 2023, at 8 a.m. at the headquarters in Centuria, WI. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/ HR administrator and John Behling, system counsel. Guests included Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Jarod Boerst, power delivery engineer, Jesse Seering, operations manager, Rebekah Linder, customer services manager, Todd Schulte, member services manager and Todd Miller, Polk-Burnett Propane Services general manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of April 24, 2023 were received. The board authorized the summary of the April board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for April 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $791.56.
- The board reviewed and approved amendments to policies BD-20: Proprietary Information, BD-23: Code of Ethics and the Director Pledge. Board policies can be viewed under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board reviewed and approved amendments to policies M-19: Theft/Tampering with Cooperative Facilities, M-20: Theft of Electricity and M-20: Use of Cooperative Material, Equipment and Personnel. Member policies can be viewed under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- Amendments to policies E-31: Code of Ethics and E-33: Proprietary Information were approved.
- The general manager/CEO gave a presentation on subsidiary growth trends.
- The customer services manager gave a presentation on energy sales trends.
- The power delivery engineer gave a summary of the 2022 Construction Work Plan construction costs.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report of the system counsel during executive session.
- Directors received a report of the Polk-Burnett Propane Services quarterly board meeting.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Monday, June 26, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, April 24, 2023, at 8 a.m. in the boardroom at the Centuria office. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and John Behling, system counsel. Cindy Thorman was absent. Guests included Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Todd Schulte, member services manager, Rebekah Lindner, customer services manager, Matt Kurtzhals, IT manager, Jesse Seering, operations manager, Jarod Borst, power delivery engineer and Joan O’Fallon, communications director.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of March 27, 2023 were received. The board authorized the summary of the March board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for March 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote off miscellaneous accounts receivable for $2,497.11.
- The review and amendments were approved for policies M-16: Meters, M-17: Member’s Wiring and Equipment and M18: Member’s Responsibility. Member policies can be viewed under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- Amendments were approved to Policy E-5: Overtime Pay.
- Directors received information on the cooperative’s debt portfolio and investments from the manager of finance and accounting.
- The power distribution engineer presented information from the 2022 power reliability report.
- The customer services manager presented information on Polk-Burnett’s top 25 key accounts for 2022.
- The IT manager provided the board with training on how to spot spam emails.
- The communications director discussed plans for the 85th annual meeting and member appreciation day that will be held on Friday, June 9, 2023.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from system counsel.
- Directors reviewed preliminary March 2023 financials from Dairyland Power Cooperative.
- The board received a report from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- Directors held discussions in executive session.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for May 22, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, March 27, 2023, at 8 a.m. at the Centuria office. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson and Cindy Thorman, were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator. John Behling, system counsel, Joe Metro, Mike Morris and John Ukura attended the meeting via WebEx. Guests included Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting (via WebEx), Susan Huerstel, accountant, Todd Schulte, member service manager, Rebekah Lindner, customer service manager, Jesse Seering, operations manager, Rick Kosloski, manager of right-of-way/warehouse/safety, Matt Brandrup, RESCO president/CEO and Dennis Gaffney, RESCO outside account executive.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of February 27, 2023 were received. The board authorized the summary of the February board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $888.82.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for February 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board reviewed and approved amendments to policies M-8: Billing, M-9: Billing Adjustments and M-13: Discontinuance of Services. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board received an update on the Centuria office roof repair.
- Representatives from Rural Electric Supply Cooperative (RESCO) gave a presentation on supply chain challenges.
- The board approved amendments to policy E-7: Expenditure Control.
- Ed Gullickson was nominated as the DPC director and Joe Metro as the alternate.
- Directors were appointed as delegates to the DPC annual meeting on June 8, 2022.
- The board acknowledged receipt of the Federated Safety & Loss Assessment conducted on February 20, 2023.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC) board meeting.
- Directors received a legal report.
- The board received a report from those that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- An executive session was held to discuss succession planning.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for April 24, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 12:32 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, February 27, 2023, at 8 a.m. via WebEx. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and John Behling system counsel. Guests included Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Susan Huerstel, accountant, Rebekah Lindner, customer services manager, Todd Schulte, member services manager, Jesse Seering, operations manager and Nate Kalepp and Amanda Stradel, Bauman Associates.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of January 23, 2023 were received. The board authorized the summary of the January board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $1,310.25.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for January 2023. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- Directors reviewed and approved amendments to policies M-4: New, Non-Commercial, Single-Phase Electric Line Extension Policy, M-5: Incentive and Rebate Programs and M-6: Prepay Program. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkbunett.com.
- The board received training on the wholesale power bill from the manager of finance and accounting.
- Auditors, Nate Kalepp and Amanda Stradel, Bauman Associates, presented the 2022 consolidated financial statements for Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative and Subsidiaries to the board of directors. In the opinion of the auditor, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 and the results of operations and cash flows for the years then ended are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America. A copy of the consolidated audit report for 2022 is placed under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The general manager/CEO provided an update from last month’s discussion of Dairyland Power Cooperative load management changes that impact Polk-Burnett’s power bill.
- The operations manager provided the board an update on the Centuria roof repair.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from system counsel.
- Directors received a report from the Polk-Burnett Propane Services, Inc. quarterly board meeting.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative District Meeting.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for March 27, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 12:07 p.m.
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order on Monday, January 23, 2023, at 8 a.m. in the boardroom of the Centuria, WI headquarters. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris (via WebEx), Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and John Behling system counsel. Guests included, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Todd Schulte, member services manager, Joan O’Fallon, communications director, Matt Kurtzhals, IT manager, Jesse Seering, operations manager, Rick Kosloski, manager of rights-of-way/warehouse/safety, Brandon Walters, apprentice lineman and Beau Helin, mechanic.
- New employees Brandon Walters, apprentice lineman and Beau Helin, mechanic were introduced to the board.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of December 19, 2022. The board authorized the summary of the December board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of the preliminary financials for December 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $504.13.
- The board approved the review and amendments to policies M-1: Application for Membership and Electric Service, M-2: Electric Rights-of-Way and Easements and M-3: Classification of Members. Board and member polices can be found on www.polkburnett.com under My Co-op/Policies.
- A presentation on the 2022 EnergySense program was presented to the board. The board discussed the 2023 EnergySense program.
- The board approved amendments to policy E-1: Employment Practices.
- The general manager/CEO provided information on Dairyland Power Cooperative load management changes that impacts Polk-Burnett’s power bill.
- The IT manager presented a cyber update to the board.
- The board approved the 2023 scholarship award recipients. Polk-Burnett received a total of 97 applications. Two high school seniors participated in the Youth Tour essay contest and will attend the 2023 NRECA Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. All 97 scholarship applicants will receive a $1,500 scholarship. Scholarships are funded with unclaimed Capital Credit dollars that otherwise would be forfeited to the state. Scholarships do not affect electric rates.
- The board approved using Federated Youth Foundation Funds to hold an EV Safety Training Seminar on April 26 in Polk County.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for February 27, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:52 a.m.
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order on Monday, December 19, 2022, at 8 a.m. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris (via WebEx), Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura, were present along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting. John Behling, system counsel, attended portions of the meeting. Guests included Matt Kurtzhals, IT manager, Joan O’Fallon, communications director, Todd Schulte, member services manager, Jesse Seering, operations manager and Nick Nelson, senior rate consultant at Power System Engineering.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of November 28, 2022 were received. The board authorized the summary of the November board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for November 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $986.80 and miscellaneous accounts receivable of $4,901.76.
- The review and amendments were approved for policy BD-30: Electric Rate Design Guidelines.
- The board appointed Cindy Thorman to the WECA Education Committee, Joe Metro to the WECA Legislative Committee and Jason Evenson to the WECA JT&S committee.
- Directors approved the 2023 budget and rate increase to be effective March 1, 2023.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- An executive session was held for the general manager/CEO employment agreement.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for January 23, 2023.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:33 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, November 28, 2022, at 8 a.m. in the boardroom of the Centuria office. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura, were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator. John Behling, system counsel, attended for part of the morning. Mike Morris attended via WebEx. Guests included Todd Schulte, member services manager, Joan O’Fallon, communications director, Jesse Seering, operations manager, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting and Matt Kurtzhals, IT manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of October 24, 2022 were approved. The board authorized the summary of the October board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for October 2022. They were reviewed and discussed.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $1,298.93.
- The board reviewed policies BD-32: Destruction of Proprietary Information, BD-33: Running for Director of Associated Organization and BD-34: Executive Session. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- Directors reviewed the director election timeline. Districts 1, 2 and 3 are up for election in 2023. Applications must be received by March 3, 2023 to be placed on the ballot. The cooperative will have a hybrid election this year giving members the ability to vote electronically or vote by paper ballot.
- The board approved the following dates for regular board meetings in 2023: January 23, February 27, March 27, April 24, May 22, June 26, July 24, August 21, September 25, October 23, November 27 and December 18.
- Directors received strategy action plans updates from senior staff and an overview of the 2023 budget that will be considered at the December board meeting.
- Voting delegates were appointed for the National Rural Electric Cooperative annual meeting.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the Polk-Burnett Propane Services, Inc. quarterly board meeting.
- The board received a report from those that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- An executive session was held to discuss a load growth opportunity, a personnel issue and general manager/CEO employment agreement.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting is combined with the budget meeting and is scheduled for December 19, 2022.
- The meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, October 24, 2022, at 8 a.m. at the Centuria office. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting. Guests included John Behling, System Counsel and Nathan Kalepp, principal, Bauman & Associates, who joined the board via conference call.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of September 26, 2022 were approved. The board authorized the summary of the September board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for September 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $160.99.
- The board reviewed policies BD-28: Director Education, BD-30: Energy Rate Design Guidelines and BD-31: Succession Management. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- Per bylaw requirements, the board reviewed the district counts and discussed Policy BD-19 – Redistricting Guidelines. The largest district does not exceed the smallest district by more than 8% so redistricting is not required.
- The board approved a resolution authorizing the amendment and restatement of the Polk-Burnett Security Services, Inc. 401k and RS pension plans.
- Acting as the audit committee, the board met with the auditor, via teleconference, to discuss the 2022 audit.
- Directors selected Friday, June 9, 2023 as the date for 85th annual meeting and member appreciation day.
- Directors received a report from the general manager/CEO.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received reports from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- Directors held an executive session to discuss the general manager/CEO performance evaluation.
- The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 28, 2022.
- The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, September 26, 2022, at 8 a.m. in the boardroom at the Centuria headquarters. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting. Guests included, Jesse Seering, operations manager, Rick Kosloski, manager of rights-of-way, warehouse & safety and Todd Schulte, member services manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of August 23, 2021 were approved. The board authorized the summary of the August board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $851.90.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for August 2021. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board approved passing through the Dairyland Power Cooperative fourth quarter rate credit to be applied to member bills December through February.
- The board was presented results from the cost of service study performed by Power System Engineering.
- The board approved a new AMI/GIS specialist position to be hired in 2021.
- The board approved a budget amendment to purchase UPS batteries and replacement iPads.
- The board directed management to sign a letter of intent for a solar array project.
- The board reviewed a new policy that provides guidance when running for a director of an associated organization.
- The board appointed a WECA annual meeting voting delegate.
- The board discussed newsletter options.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received reports from directors that attended various conference and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Monday, October 25, 2021 at the Centuria office.
- The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, August 22, 2022, at 8 a.m. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting. Joe Metro attended via WebEx. Guests included Rebekah Lindner, customer services manager, Rick Kosloski, manager of rights of way/warehouse/safety and Jesse Seering, operations manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of July 25, 2022 were received. The board authorized the summary of the July board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for July 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $1,089.95.
- The board reviewed policies BD-18: Bylaw Amendments, BD-19: Redistricting Guidelines and BD-21:Review of Business Records and Financial Data, BD-22: HIPAA and BD-24: Identity Theft Prevention Program. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- An executive session was held to discuss legal matters with the system counsel.
- The board appointed Maryln Bottolfson to the Operation Round-Up board in District 4. Mr. Bottolfson replaces Merle Bergren, who resigned due to health reasons and passed away August 12. Mr. Bergren was a charter member of the Operation Round-Up board from 1998 to 2022.
- The member services manager presented a report on the Identity Theft Prevention Program (Red Flags). The program is in place to assist cooperative personnel to identify, detect and prevent the theft of members’ personal information.
- The manager of rights-of-way/warehouse/safety presented information on the cooperative safety program.
- The board acknowledged receipt of the Federated Safety & Loss Assessment conducted on June 20, 2022.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- Directors received a report on the Polk-Burnett Propane Services, Inc., quarterly board meeting.
- Directors received reports from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Monday, September 26, 2022.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, July 25, 2022, at 8 a.m. Directors Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Ben Ludemen, Weld Riley, system counsel, Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator. Chuck Brookshaw was absent. Guests included Tiffany Hove, member service representative, Rebekah Lindner, customer services manager, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Susan Huerstel, accountant, Jarod Boerst, power delivery engineer and Jesse Seering, operations manager.
- The minutes from the regular and organizational meetings of June 27, 2022 were received. The board authorized the summary of the June board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for June 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $441.62.
- The board reviewed policies BD-18: Bylaw Amendments, BD-19: Redistricting Guidelines and BD-20: Proprietary Information. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board acknowledged the 2021 Form 990. The 990 is the tax return for organizations exempt from income tax.
- The board approved the retirement of 3.33% of unretired capital credits, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) lawsuit proceeds and the generation and transmission capital credits to be received from Dairyland Power Cooperative.
- The board discussed an alternative dispute resolution process with the system counsel.
- The board approved the 2023 Construction Work Plan. Energy sales have remained steady through the pandemic. 2021 losses of 5% are just above the record low of 4.9% due to very heavy summer loading in 2020 and 2021. There is moderate growth in commercial and industrial sections and moderate residential growth. Year to date new connects are at 65 and over 125 service upgrades are expected this year. Material lead times are what is driving the 2023 Construction Work Plan to be presented in July instead of October. We have $2.5 million of material orders already placed for 2023 to secure the material. Approximately 43.5 miles of identified line construction is considered in the 2023 work plan and was primarily based on lake conversions, equipment nearing end-of-life and upgrading three-phase lines to maximize the ability to backup neighboring substations. The work plan includes 17 lake conversions, 13 projects for equipment that is nearing the end-of-life or undersized and one project to improve the capabilities of Jackson and Meenon substations. The 175-mil (#2 URD) replacement project should be complete in 2022.
- Delegates were appointed for NRECA Region 5 meeting.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a legal report from the system counsel.
- Directors received a report from the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received reports from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for August 22, 2022.
- The meeting adjourned at 12:23 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, June 27, 2022, at 8 a.m. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens (via WebEx), Cindy Thorman and John Ukura were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator. Tom Swenson was absent. Guests included Susan Huerstel, accountant, Joan O’Fallon, communications director, Rebekah Lindner, customer services manager, Laura Stone, member service representative and Keith Johnson, Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange.
- An organizational meeting took place to elect board officers for the 2022-2023 term. Ed Gullickson was elected president, Mike Morris was elected vice president and Chuck Brookshaw was elected secretary/treasurer.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of May 23, 2022 were approved. The board authorized the summary of the May board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for May 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $373.15.
- The board reviewed policies BD-15: Joint Use of Poles, BD-16: Economic Development and BD-17: Guidelines for Director Elections. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board conducted the annual review and signed a Director Pledge reaffirming their responsibility and commitment to uphold the highest standards for legal and ethical conduct.
- A resolution to approve the 2022 Dairyland Power Cooperative load forecast was passed.
- The board approved the 2023 Scholarship Program to award $1,500 scholarships to up to 90 high school seniors and two Youth Tour trips.
- Keith Johnson, account executive, Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange, presented Polk-Burnett’s insurance coverage to the board. Mr. Johnson explained the all-risk blanket policy (property, public liability, cyber, crime), umbrella liability policy, director, officers and managers liability policy and workers compensation.
- Joe Metro was appointed voting delegate for the WECA (Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association) district meeting.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from Dairyland Power Cooperative.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for July 25, 2022.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:32 a.m.
- The board conducted annual meetings of Polk-Burnett Charities, Inc. and Polk-Burnett Diversified Services, Inc.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, May 23, 2022, at 8 a.m. at the headquarters in Centuria, WI. Directors Chuck Brookshaw (via WebEx), Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro (via WebEx), Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and Jeff Traynor were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/ HR administrator and Tim Laux, system counsel. Guests included Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Jarod Boerst, power delivery engineer and Todd Miller, Polk-Burnett Propane Services general manager.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of April 25, 2022 were received. The board authorized the summary of the April board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for April 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $304.59.
- The board reviewed policies BD-12: Delegating Administrative Duties of Corporate Officers, BD-13: Workplace Conduct and BD-14: ROPE (Restoration of Power in Emergencies). Board policies can be viewed under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- Amendments to policy E-14: Whistleblower were approved.
- The board approved resolutions authorizing the amendment and restatement of the union and non-union 401k and Retirement Security Pension Plans.
- The general manager/CEO provided information on the wholesale power market challenges.
- The finance and accounting manager provided an update on the Georgetown Solar project.
- The power delivery engineer gave a summary of the 2021 Construction Work Plan construction costs.
- Directors received a report of the Polk-Burnett Propane Services general manager.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report of the system counsel
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Director expenses were approved
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Monday, June 27, 2022
- The meeting adjourned at 11:31 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, April 25, 2022, at 8 a.m. in the boardroom at the Centuria office. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and Jeff Traynor were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Tim Laux, system counsel. Ed Gullickson was absent. Guests included Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Susan Huerstel, accountant, Ed Johansen, operations manager and Jarod Borst, power delivery engineer.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of March 28, 2022 were received. The board authorized the summary of the March board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for March 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- There were no write-offs.
- The review and amendments were approved for policies BD-9: Investment of General Funds, BD-10: Directors’ Expense and Per Diem and BD-11: Electronic Communication Devices for Directors. Board policies can be viewed under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- Amendments were approved to Policy M-35: House Moves. Member policies can be viewed under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- Amendments to Policy E-19: Commercial Drivers’ License were approved.
- The board took action to declare unclaimed capital credit funds be forfeited according to Wisconsin Statutes Section 158.03(10) and the bylaws. Notice will be mailed to members with valid addresses, advertised in local papers and posted on the website.
- Directors received information on the cooperative’s debt portfolio from the manager of finance and accounting.
- The board approved a Fee Arrangement/Legal Structure of Firm with Weld Riley.
- The operations manager and power distribution engineer presented information from the 2021 power reliability report.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from system counsel.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- The board received a report from directors that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- Directors held discussions in executive session.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for May 23, 2022.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, March 28, 2022, at 8 a.m. at the Centuria office and via WebEx. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson and Jeff Traynor, were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO and Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator. Tim Laux, system counsel, Mike Morris and Cindy Thorman attended the meeting via WebEx. Guests included Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Joan O’Fallon, communications director, Todd Schulte, member service manager, and attorneys with Weld Riley, John Behling, Ben Ludeman and Sam Bach.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of February 28, 2022 were received. The board authorized the summary of the February board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $541.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for February 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board reviewed policies BD-6: Equity Level, BD-7: Investment in General Funds and BD-8: Check Signatures. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- The board approved a resolution authorizing the renewal of a PowerVision loan for $20 million through the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFC).
- Ed Gullickson was nominated as the DPC director and Joe Metro as the alternate.
- Mike Morris and Joe Metro were appointed as delegates to the DPC annual meeting on June 8, 2022.
- The member services manager presented an update on the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project.
- The board watched a governance video relating to setting director per diem.
- Weld Riley was hired as the system counsel upon the retirement of the existing system counsel in June.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- Directors received a legal report.
- The board received a report from those that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- An executive session was held to discuss union negotiations, litigation and succession planning.
- The board ratified the labor agreement between Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative and IBEW 953.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for April 25, 2022.
- The meeting adjourned at 12:23 p.m.
A regular meeting of the board of directors was called to order on Monday, February 28, 2022, at 8 a.m. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Cindy Thorman and Jeff Traynor were present, along with Steve Stroshane, general manager, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Tim Laux system counsel. Mike Morris and Tom Swenson attended via WebEx. Guests included Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Susan Huerstel, accountant, Rebekah Lindner, customer services manager, Todd Schulte, member services manager, Ed Johansen, operations manager and Nate Kalepp, Bauman Associates.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of January 24, 2022 were received. The board authorized the summary of the January board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $708.90.
- The board acknowledged receipt of financials for January 2022. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- A special capital credit retirement of $1 million in excess operating margins for 2021 was approved and a distribution will occur in April to members who purchased power in 2021.
- Directors reviewed policies BD-3: Appearance by Members or Others at Regular Board Meetings, BD-4: Legal Services and BD-5: Annual Audit. Policies can be found under My Co-op at www.polkbunett.com.
- Auditor, Nate Kalepp, Bauman Associates, presented the 2021 consolidated financial statements for Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative and Subsidiaries to the board of directors. In the opinion of the auditor, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2021 and 2020 and the results of operations and cash flows for the years then ended are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United State of America. A copy of the consolidated audit report for 2021 is placed under My Co-op at www.polkburnett.com.
- Auditor Nate Kalepp, Bauman Associates, also reviewed the single audit relating to the amount received from FEMA related to costs incurred for damages during storms that occurred in 2019. As a result of the FEMA award exceeding $750,000 a federal single audit was performed. In the opinion of the auditor, Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative and Subsidiaries complied, in all material respects, with the compliance requirements for FEMA funds that could have a direct and material effect on each of its major federal programs for the year ended December 31, 2021.
- A budget amendment of $351,165 was approved for the 2022 construction work plan due to material cost increases affecting padmount transformer pricing.
- The board reviewed proposals for legal services and will schedule an interview with Weld Riley during the March board meeting.
- Results from the 2021 transactional surveys were presented by the customer services manager.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from system counsel.
- Directors received a report from the Polk-Burnett Propane Services, Inc. quarterly board meeting.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative District Meeting.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for March 28, 2022.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:53 p.m.
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order on Monday, January 24, 2022, at 8 a.m. via WebEx. Directors Chuck Brookshaw, Ed Gullickson, Joe Metro, Mike Morris, Jerry Okonek, Wilfred Owens, Tom Swenson, Cindy Thorman and Jeff Traynor were present along with Steve Stroshane, general manager/CEO, Stacy Bergmann, executive assistant/HR administrator and Tim Laux system counsel. Guests included, Heather Gerber, manager of finance and accounting, Todd Schulte, member services manager and Joan O’Fallon, communications director.
- The minutes from the regular meeting of December 20, 2021. The board authorized the summary of the December board meeting minutes to be placed on the website.
- The board acknowledged receipt of the preliminary financials for December 2021. They were reviewed and discussed by the board.
- The board wrote-off bad debt electric accounts in the amount of $262.30 and a miscellaneous accounts receivable write-off of $2,740.07.
- The board approved the review of policies BD-1: Board/Staff Relationship, BD-2: Committees of the Board and BD-2a: Audit Committee of the Board. Board and member polices can be found on www.polkburnett.com under My Co-op/Policies.
- A presentation on the 2021 EnergySense program was presented to the board. The board discussed the changes for the 2022 EnergySense program which a water heater price increase to $750, a Level 3 EV charger installed at MarketPlace Foods and locating two, Level 2 EV smart chargers in our service territory. Continued efforts in 2022 include a PV seminar in April, an EV seminar in July, and an EV seminar for car dealerships.
- The board discussed the 2 MW solar array being built north of the Bunyan substation.
- The board approved the 2022 scholarship award recipients. Polk-Burnett received a total of 72 applications. Seven high school seniors participated in the Youth Tour essay contest. Scholarship recipients for 2022 were selected in a random, electronic selection process and will receive a $1,250 scholarship. Scholarships are funded with unclaimed Capital Credit dollars that otherwise would be forfeited to the state. Scholarships do not affect electric rates. Following are the high school seniors selected from the random electronic selection:
School |
District |
Jordan |
Vetter |
OSC High School |
1 |
Samantha |
Mortenson |
OSC High School |
Mallory |
Johnson |
OSC High School |
Emily |
DeMoe |
OSC High School |
Daric |
Swanson |
OSC High School |
Kathryn |
Marek |
OSC High School |
Cade |
Rysdam |
OSC High School |
Lauren |
Kremer |
OSC High School |
Grace |
Measner |
OSC High School |
Charlotte |
Eichten |
Somerset High School |
Luke |
Haase |
OSC High School |
Kalley |
Smith |
OSC High School |
Sarah |
Hefty |
Homeschooled |
Annabel |
McManus |
SCF High School |
2 |
Kylie |
Broten |
SCF High School |
Jackson |
Baillargeon |
OSC High School |
Julia |
Kloos |
SCF High School |
Jacquelyn |
Kelly |
Washburn High School |
Seraphina |
Johnson |
Amery High School |
3 |
Jaidyn |
McAlpine |
Amery High School |
Tyler |
Ulrich |
OSC High School |
Jonathan |
Lorsung |
Amery High School |
Hailey |
Schoeberl |
Amery High School |
Victoria |
Greene |
Amery High School |
Ella |
Gould |
Amery High School |
Lana |
Belz |
Amery High School |
Samuel |
Kelling |
Amery High School |
Elizabeth |
Rosen |
Clear Lake High School |
Oliver |
Schmidt |
SCF High School |
4 |
Alaina |
Rivard |
Amery High School |
Anna |
Gingras |
Unity High School |
Jordan |
Lee |
SCF High School |
Samuel |
Lenk |
Unity High School |
Harrison |
Zipperer |
Unity High School |
Jenavieve |
Kinzer |
Amery High School |
Noah |
Hopkins |
St Croix Preparatory Academy |
5 |
Audrie |
Amos |
Luck High School |
Sarah |
Harriman |
Stillwater Area High School |
Audrey |
Danniger |
Wausau West High School |
Morgan |
Mrdutt |
Turtle Lake High School |
Mia |
Sweeney |
Cumberland High School |
Isabella |
Thill |
Turtle Lake High School |
Maya |
Kazmierski |
SCF High School |
Jared |
Lundmark |
Cumberland High School |
Terry |
Van Atta |
Luck High School |
6 |
Sophia |
Saueressig |
Luck High School |
Wyatt |
Gahm |
Mahtomedi High School |
Albert |
Dohrer |
Open World Learning |
Gage |
Asmussen |
Rush City High School |
Dora |
Williams |
Minneapolis Southwest High School |
7 |
Garrett |
Swan |
Spooner High School |
Kailee |
Wieser |
Webster High School |
8 |
Malaky |
Olson |
Webster High School |
Katie |
Weber |
Woodbury High School |
Alfred |
Flatten |
Webster High School |
Kevin |
Jansa |
Centennial High School |
Josephine |
Johnson |
Webster High School |
Emma |
Aubert |
Siren High School |
9 |
Hattie |
Harrold |
New Richmond High School |
Taedon |
Nichols |
Siren High School |
Alexis |
Slater (youth tour) |
Grantsburg High School |
Sadye |
Bunting |
Grantsburg High School |
- The board president appoint a director to the union negotiation team.
- The general manager gave a presentation on wholesale power market trends.
- Directors received a report from the general manager.
- Directors received a report from the system counsel.
- Directors received a report on the Dairyland Power Cooperative board meeting.
- The board received a report from those that attended various conferences and education seminars.
- Director expenses were approved.
- The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for February 28, 2022.
- The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.